Sneaky Saturday

  1. This looks great! I swear I was just thinking about your 30th birthday centerpieces 2 days ago! Can’t wait to see more pics.

  2. Kelcei says:

    So cute!

  3. Lisa says:

    The tree is coming along nicely!! I see you decided to use the moss and I think it does look good after all. 🙂 Sometimes you just don’t know until you try.
    I’m very excited to see your party.
    I have a party today. My nieces 1st birthday. Hoping it goes well.
    I noticed your comment on my post about the ant party. I apologize for not mentioning that alot of the items can be purchased at Hostess Jo. If you click on the polyvore picture it does take you to my polyvore site and list each item as to where it was found. I like polyvore, but I’m a bit torn about it, because I do like to link back to all found items and it doesn’t seem as easy to do with this. I suppose I could list each item under the picture and put the links there….that would work. 🙂
    Have a great day.

  4. Joanna says:

    Oh Lisa that’s ok! I just thought it was a coincidence!

  5. Ivy says:

    hi- where did you get the Manzanita? I live in Mass and i was having the hardest finding one for my grandparenst 50th wedding anny

  6. Joanna says:

    Hi Ivy,
    Thanks for your nice comments! I purchased the branches from I bought the 24 inch natural ones and spray painted them. They have a great selection.

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