Over at they are featuring 15 wines under $15 from The Wine Trials.  Tasters drank 6000 glasses of wine and found that several of the best were under $15!  Check it out, I think you will be pleasantly surprised. Cheers!

December 12, 2008


Kir Royale   Ingredients Serves 6 3 ounces (6 tablespoons) creme de cassis (I've had this with Chambord also) 1 bottle Champagne or other sparkling white wine 6 strips tangerine or orange zest, for garnish Directions Just before serving, pour 1 tablespoon creme de cassis into each glass. Fill with Champagne, and garnish with zest […]

December 10, 2008


In the spirit of Thanksgiving here is an email I received that pretty much sums it up. I am thankful: For the teenager who is not doing dishes but is watching TV, because that means he is at home and not on the streets. For the taxes that I pay, because it means that I […]

November 25, 2008


Here’s another way to enjoy your cranberries this Thanksgiving.  The Cranberry Bog Cocktail! Ingredients 4 ounces champagne 1 ounce cranberry juice Whole cranberries, for garnish Mint leaves, for garnish Directions Combine champagne and cranberry juice in a champagne flute. Drop a few whole cranberries in the glass and garnish with mint leaves. (photo courtesy of […]

November 13, 2008


Thought I’d share with you some photos I took in my backyard of the many colors of Fall.. Hope you are enjoying the season and have a pleasant weekend!

November 7, 2008


I recently dicovered a great blog named Tangarang and a fabulous Etsy store to go along with it!  One of Kira’s most recent products/ideas is a Wine Tasting Party Kit.  I can’t wait to host one myself!  She has designed wine bags, numbers for the bottles, conversation starter cards, description cards that are hillarious and […]

November 2, 2008


Hope everyone has a safe and happy Halloween!

October 31, 2008