Fancy Flours Giveaway

  1. maureen says:

    I have used licorice laces as whiskers and a half a gumdrop for ears for a kitten.
    I have again used licorice laces as a handle (as in a bucket) and then put green food dyed coconut and jellybeans in flower shapes on the frosting.
    Just basic decorations.

  2. The last cupcakes I made were peanut butter cheese cake Brownie cupcakes! They were oh so yummy topped with whip cream and a cherry!

  3. Yay! I love Fancy Flours! I think my most creative cupcake was for Thanksgiving. I made little Turkeys on top of the cupcakes using pipecleaners, fudge stripe cookies, and Reeses!

  4. Sarah says:

    It is not an original idea but one I found on a blog recently. For my friend’s college graduation party I am going to make the grad cap cupcakes. She has chosen pink frosting and I will top them with an upside down mini reece’s pb cub and a ghiradelli square to form the cap. I can’t forget the adorable frosting piped tassel!

  5. carrie rowe says:

    the most creative cupcakes i made were robots made out of candy on top of cupcakes for some friends. they were super cool!

  6. Nicole says:

    I am going to try the apple ones, but mini!

  7. Shelley says:

    Ok…so I am not that creative with cupcakes but I do try and I LOVE Fancy Flours! I have made the spider cupcakes with oreos and licorice.

  8. Satsuki says:

    I’m not great at decorating cupcakes but last year for my daughter’s birthday we used lollipops and spearmint leaf candies to make flowers in them.

  9. Randi says:

    I have no creative cupcake ideas of my own but I’ve copied almost every creative cupcake idea belonging to someone else. 🙂 Does that count? One of my favorites was a teacup/teapot made from cupcakes (a FamilyFun idea).

  10. Kari says:

    I loved your peep idea. For Mothers Day, I made ladybug cupcakes. I put red frosting on 2/3 of each cupcake and then black frosting on the remaining 1/3 of the cupcake. I put eyes on the black and then I piped three or four black dots on the red back of the ladybug. They were a hit!

  11. Christine Zuercher says:

    Oh well, I’m too late for the contest as I have been out of town, but I’ll share my tip anyway as it may be helpful to someone.
    I have made really pretty cupcakes by piping primroses, pansies, daffodils or anything that you would normally use royal icing to make.Instead of the royal icing use your regular butter-cream icing, pipe it on a square of wax paper which is attached with a dab of icing to your flower nail. Remove your flowers from the nail, they are still attached to the wax or parchment paper, and place them on a baking sheet or any flat surface that you can put in the freezer. Depending on the size of your flower, let your flowers freeze for about 10-15 minutes, remove from freezer and peel the flower off the paper. They will be easy to handle. Place on your cupcake and add a leaf or two and ta-da! you have pretty cupcakes that people can sink their teeth into.
    Works great for cakes too as the flowers are not hard like the royal icing ones which you sometimes have to move when cutting the cake.
    P.S. Thanks Fancy Flours – love your website.

  12. Christine Zuercher says:

    Ha, got dates wrong. I’m so excited – love contests. Thank you Fancy Flours!
    Another idea:
    for the inside of your cupcake, place a caramel Ghirardelli square in the middle of a chocolate batter. When your friends bite into it they will have a delicious surprise.

  13. Nicole says:

    I hosted a garden tea party and decided to make garden themed cupcakes instead of tea cakes. I baked chocolate cupcakes in mini terracotta pots, decorated them with different colors of green frosting–made to look like dirt & peat moss or grass. Then, I made cake-pops and decorated them to look like flowers or topiaries and stuck them inside each cupcake pot. I put a ribbon around the edge of the pot to coordinate with the colors and they turned out super cute!

  14. Amy Roberts says:

    I’ve been toying with making Pineapple Upside-Down Cupcakes. These would not require a liner. A little brown sugar at the bottom of the muffin tin, a pineapple ring, a cherry in the middle (of course!), topped with a delicious golden cake batter. Bake, invert, and serve while still warm. Yummy! I think these might be the first thing I make in my new kitchen. They would be fun to eat at a dinner party and would look very pretty all lined up on a serving tray.

  15. Dawn W says:

    Wow lots of great ideas only if I could be creative. My most creative idea is to go looking at the bakeries to find the most yummy cupcakes.

  16. linda says:

    my favorite creative cupcakes has to do with a garden theme. They were devil’s food cupcakes with a oreo/chocolate frosting. We put worms on them too.

  17. Kari says:

    I have made pupcakes with nutter butters as the ears and a drawn on puppy face – these were for my doggie’s 10th birthday. I also made cupcakes for my sister-in-law’s baby shower that looked like elephants and lions for a circus theme. The cupcake embellishments included fruit leather ears and trunks, jellybean eyes, peach gummy (cut in half) for lion muzzle, black licorice laces for lion whiskers.

  18. (i don’t know what time zone you’re in..but here in mtn. time it’s 11:53, so it’s still the 22nd..yes, i barely made it!)
    it would definitely be my SNOW CONE CUPCAKES!
    i’m planning a circus party and was thinking about renting a snow cone machine but didn’t know if I wanted to stand behind the thing making snow cones throughout the whole party :). I sat there thinking for a bit, and suddenly came up with the idea of ‘snow cone cupcakes’!!! Just use snow cone papers as cupcake liners and there ya have it! I went right to the store and bought my supplies and came home and made them. I used wire snow cone holders to bake them in :). I frosted the top in a rounded ‘snow cone’ shape and added bright sparkly sprinkles. They turned out way cute, and looked EXACTLY like actual snow cones! here’s the link to ’em..

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